Croatia: Luka Misetic Responds As Serb Denials Of Crimes Take New Form
Luka MiseticPhoto: Davor Puklavec/PIXSELL Well, July was a disquieting month for justice at the UN Security Council. Serbia’s lobby with Russia had resulted in Russia’s veto on the British instigated...
View ArticleHague Appeals Chamber Reverses Trial Conclusion Against Croatia’s Leaders
From left: General Janko Bobetko,President of Croatia Franjo Tudjman,Croatia’s Defence Minister Gojko SusakCroatia – early 1990’sPhoto: Cropix/Goran Sebelic The Hague Tribunal ICTY rejected Monday 18...
View ArticleCroatian Operation Storm 1995 and the Serb Self-imposed Exodus From Croatia
In honour of the 25th Anniversary of the Croatian August 1995 Operation Storm that within a matter of days liberated much of its Serb occupied territory I would like to share with the public and my...
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